Monday, September 27, 2010

Everyone needs to start somewhere

This blog is going to focus on the ups and downs of a first year teacher. I will focus on my experiences and suggestions for future teachers.

The first entry is called everyone needs to start somewhere.

It's May and you just graduated college you start sending your resumes out.
1. Don't be closed minded everyone needs to start somewhere.
2. Apply to NYC schools on-line and get that application in early so you can become eligible for the teacher finder and TRQ select.
side note: What is TRQ select?
3. Send letters to public and private schools
4. Research Research Research.... some schools may require you to apply online but it doesn't hurt to send a paper resume.
5. Attack from all directions ( obtain email addresses of principals and those on hiring committees, send by mail, call to follow up, make friends on the inside)
6. Network ( find out about job fairs and networking events, make friends with veteran teachers so they can put your name in)
This day in age its all about who you know so make connections early in your education, don't piss off your site supervisors and professors they are your first step to getting a job. My site supervisor still sends me job opportunities that she submitted my name for even though I have a job.
7. Build up and review your resume early most colleges provide resume workshops and you should attend.
8. Be yourself, its the only way to stay calm and get through an interview. My current job was obtaine through an interview that played out more like a conversation than an actual interview.
9. Be Prepared. Save all your work and good lesson plans ( focus on ones that show differentiated introduction and that you have tried out before and reflected on.)
10. Keep an idea book during your student teaching and observations, even if your CT doesn't want you to do something in their class doesn't mean you can't use it in your own in the future.
11. Ask questions and never fear to ask for help your college is a good resource.
12. Learn the buzz words for interviews
13. Request a school tour of your top prospects, some schools look good on paper but may fool you.
14. Don't give up too soon for NYC schools people may decide not to return good into the first semester so there always hope

Thats all I have for now....stay tuned